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Implementation Status of Human Rights Policy

Items Implementation Status
Y N Description
Does the Company set policies and procedures in compliance with regulations and internationally recognized human rights principles? V The company observes rules specified in the Labor Standards Act. It adheres to international labor standards on working conditions and is committed to establish a fair and non-discriminatory employment policy. Activities related to employee rights are handled according to publicly released regulations and procedures. The company is committed to human rights and internationally recognized human rights standards, which include “International Bill of Human Rights,” “The United Nation Global Compact” and the “International Labour Organization Declaration on Fundamental Principles at Work” and sets up the Human Rights Policy based on the above-mentioned documents. The company discloses the status of implementation on the website: In addition, the company conducted online outreach focused on the Human Rights Policy, with 1,502 coastal employees passing the test and a completion rate of 97.91% in 2023.