Yang Ming Marks Milestone in Marine Preservation with Vessel Speed Reduction and Coral Restoration

In support of the United Nations SDG 14 - Life Below Water, Yang Ming Marine Transport Corporation (Yang Ming) has been an active participant in the Protecting Blue Whales & Blue Skies program led by the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The Company has received the Sapphire Award for the third time since participating. Additionally, Yang Ming has collaborated with the National Museum of Marine Science & Technology on a coral restoration project since 2023. Within a year, a total of 1,064 coral seedlings have been cultivated. The collaboration aims to enhance biodiversity resilience and ensure the sustainability with the oceans.

This year, the United Nations’ theme for World Oceans Day is “Awaken New Depths,” which calls for deeper attention and protection of the oceans. As a global container shipping carrier, Yang Ming has been dedicated to safeguarding marine resources. Recently, Yang Ming’s Board of Directors approved the “Protecting Biodiversity and Zero Net Deforestation Commitment” to promote ecological awareness and ensure the sustainability of biodiversity. The Commitment outlines Yang Ming’s strategies to mitigate environmental impacts, including voluntarily reducing ship speeds in sensitive areas and participating in coral restoration projects.

Since 2016, Yang Ming’s fleet has been participating in the Protecting Blue Whales & Blue Skies program by voluntarily reducing ship speeds to 10 knots or less while navigating the California coast. This effort reduces the risk of ship collisions with endangered whales and underwater noise, providing a safer habitat for these species. In addition, the program has helped decrease emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx) and sulfur oxides (SOx), mitigating the greenhouse effect. In recognition of these outcomes, Yang Ming’s fleet earned the highest-tier Sapphire Award in 2020, 2022, and 2023.

Due to climate change and human activities, global coral reefs are facing unprecedented threat. Coral restoration is part of the climate action necessary to save these vulnerable ecosystems. To promote marine ecological sustainability, Yang Ming has partnered with the National Museum of Marine Science & Technology to launch a coral restoration project. Together, they established two coral breeding tanks and engaged 87 Yang Ming employees in coral grafting activities. Within a year, the project cultivated 1,064 coral seedlings of 16 species, with the earliest seedlings growing 50% larger than their original size, increasing the success rate of transplantation back into the sea. These restoration actions seek to revive and rebuild healthy marine ecosystems.

With the idea of giving back to the ocean, Yang Ming integrates environmental sustainability policies into daily operations and ship management, taking efforts to protect marine ecology and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Looking forward, Yang Ming will continue dedicating corporate resources to biodiversity issues, implementing a blueprint to sail towards a sustainable future.